Carme Murcia - Chemical Engineer

Frase presentacion molona

Planta producción ácido acetil Salicílico - Método HAZOP

Investigaciones medioambientales


I can offer pragmatic solutions to conflicts, as the chemical engineer I am.

As a person, I will give you fluid and transparent communication and you will gain a co-worker who will not leave you behind.

My experiences has allowed me to develop a strong understanding of the importance
of renewable energy and the impact it can have on the environment. I am particularly
interested in working in the renewable energy sector and would love the opportunity to
apply my skills and knowledge in this field. I am confident that my background in chemical engineering and my passion for sustainability make me a great candidate for
an enviromental engineer.

During my travels, I also gained experience in teamwork and communication, working
closely with other farmhands to maintain and improve the farm operations. I am
confident that these skills will be beneficial in a team-oriented work environment, such
as the one in your company.

I am excited about the opportunity to work in the renewable energy sector and am eager to contribute my skills and knowledge to make the world a better place achieving the mission of environmental sustainability.